The Four Strongest Forces In The Universe

Rotating wildly swinging outwardly, I am what’s a black hole. (10w)

Black hole (artist's impression)
Artist’s impression of a stellar-mass black hole.

Photo Credit: European Space Agency, NASA and Felix Mirabel (the French Atomic Energy Commission & the Institute for Astronomy and Space Physics/Conicet of Argentina)


Gravity is what we think is the strongest force in the universe. We feel it everyday. It is what makes things fall down. It keeps us grounded on earth. We see gravity in the existence of black holes. There is one in our own galaxy. It pulls things into it with unmeasurable force. Even if we were to send a probe into a black hole we never would get any data back from it. Not even radio waves can escape its pull. Gravity has the second longest range in the universe. There is no escaping the forces of gravity in a black hole, unless you are centrifical force. Nothing can escape a black hole, not even light. But gravity is not the strongest force in the universe. Gravity is only the forth strongest. The reason why gravity in a black hole is so very strong is its size.

The strongest force in the universe, that we know of, is Strong Nuclear. We can assign the number 100 to it as comparison to the other three. This acts in an interaction between the nucleons and it is responsible for keeping the nucleus together. This interaction is mediated by so called gluons. Particles in this atomic nucleus are protons and neutrons. They are made up of quarks. However, this interaction is very short ranged because it operates inside of the atoms. It could be thought of as a closeness, like a couple. This is the reason I am in search of my quark. Because I am sure as long as we remain close we can never be broken apart. A strong nuclear bond in a relationship is why couples remain together for life. But even Strong Nuclear Force is ripped apart in a black hole.

The second strongest force in the universe is Electromagnetic. We can assign the number 1 to it in comparison to the other three. Because it is 100 times weaker than Strong Nuclear Force. Even a small magnet can overcome the gigantic gravitational force of the earth. Electromagnetic force is something that touches our lives in big ways everyday. Photons are seen with our eye as light. That cell phone, electricity, computers and lightning are only a few of electromagnetic forces. It has the longest range of the four strongest forces in the universe. Radio waves are being sent to and from probes millions of miles away from earth. Radio waves are electromagnetic. The screen you are reading this post on is also the same force. We often refer to the bond between a couple as magnetic. And opposites attract. It is this flow of positive and negative that creates the balance of electromagnetic force. But even if we were to take all the magnetic force in the entire universe and place it near a black hole it too would be sucked it.

The third strongest force in the universe is Weak Nuclear. It is like Strong Nuclear in it has a very short range. It is ten times weaker than Electromagnetic. Weak Nuclear is thought to made of Bosons. In particle physics weak nuclear is a very broad interpretation of all the other forces. The emptiness of space could be weak nuclear force. The Higgs boson is a Weak Nuclear force. Weak Nuclear is all the uncertainty of things we really do not know yet. Kind of like the things that keep a relationship together or maybe tear it apart. A lot of theory going on there.


It is interesting to know that we really do not know what gravity is or what makes it work. We just know it makes apples fall from trees. Albert Einstein states that gravity is not a force but as a consequence of the curvature of space-time caused by the uneven distribution of mass and energy. All can agree it is a natural phenomenon. It is thought that every object in the universe has gravity and that all pull on each other. It was once thought that nothing could move faster than the speed of light. Recently we found mass moving in the universe faster than this speed. It was always believed that mass could never obtain this speed. We thought the world was flat at one time too. We also thought the sun revolved around the earth. Once we thought that earth was the only planet in the universe that had life. There are even some people today that think the world revolves around them.


Science has an explanation or theory about the four strongest forces in the universe. Even the things that can not be seen or the unknown have some theory. But none even dare or try to explain or have theory on God. Some ignore the very existence of God. Saying if science cannot prove it or it has no mathematical equation it just does not exist. But many have theory about things that may exist in the universe. There are books that were written by people who write that God instructed them to write. Some believe it could be nothing more than hearsay. Others think it was written by someone who ate too many mushrooms or consumed excessive drink. The one written for the people of Israel, know as the Jews is titled The Old Testament. A majority of the people who thought of these theories of the universe also believe in this book. The very theory of Albert Einstein, called The Theory of Relativity that many base their own theories on, has its base on TIME. The first verse of the Old Testament says; In the beginning… this was Gods way of defining time. Without it science would have nothing to base theory on. Time plays a very important roll for human kind.


LOVE is rightfully the most powerful force in the universe but the least understood. Some think love comes from the heart. Other think love comes from the brain. While others define it as a feeling. Love has its foundation in every religious writings. In the case of the Old Testament God introduced it to humans, to angels to every being in creation. Even people who deny God, a god, a creator, the spirit or anything except self knows love. Even people who believe they know hate love themselves. Love is the one thing every human being, even animals know. But no one seems to really know what it is, where it comes from or what to do with it. Love is the most written about word on earth. To some it is only a word. Everyone seeks it. Love, in its truest form is pure. Unconditional and without fail. It is never ending. It is the GRAVITY that holds humanity together.


Published by

Wade Lancaster

I could tell you more about me. However, I think you will find us far more interesting, if we share more about ourselves. What do you say?

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